Kids Festival Area
Elemental isn't just for adults, we know that if we keep the kids happy and entertained then the big kids (their parents) will also be happy.
There's nothing worse than dragging your kids round a car show with them whining on about being bored.
We don't think your kids will be bored at our show :)
Once again for 2017 we're going to have a dedicated kids mini festival area with the help of Hoi Polloi and the Buffalo Tank who will be bringing along many things including the Art Cannon and a whole heap of festival strangeness
Our kids festival area is fully self contained and solar powered.

Live Music
Live music will be brought to you as always via the medium of The Something Else Tea Tent with fully solar powered stage and lighting and sound engineering from Ollie Sound & Light
Saturday 7th April
12:00 - 13:00 Beardy Keef's Uke Jam
13:30 - 14:15 William Harper
14:45 - 15:30 Ren Stedman
15:30 - 16:00 Show & Shine Prizes, Announcements, Raffle etc
16:00 - 16:45 Break
16:45 - 17:30 Puke Jam
18:00 - 19:00 CaLiCo
19:30 - 20:30 Primo Nelson
21:00 - 22:00 Paul Henshaw & The Scientific Simpletons
22:30 - 23:30 The Lagan
ATTN All bands: we're running off solar pwoer so stricly NO VALVE AMPS, solid state only, thanks.

Burts Boyz Party Tent
Once again we've handed the party tent side of things over the the guys from Burt's Boyz who will be collecting donations for Marie Curie Cancer Care in return for their efforts to entertain you.
Friday Night
Burt's Boyz Birthday Party
Burt's Boyz Speed Shop, do a great deal for Marie Curie cancer research. Elemental VW Show always falls on or near Simon and Michael Hughes' birthdays. So they'll be celebrating in style and putting on a birthday party on the Friday night with vinyl reggae ska a bit of soul new wave , punk and a bit of indie from DJs Skinhead Joe and Big Brian.
Saturday Night
Dad Rock vs Dance vs Cheese DJs is back!
Most shows provide a dance tent alternative to live music, we've tried this a few times with varying success. Last year we tried something new, it started out as 'Dad Rock' and ended up being a Dad Rock versus Dance Music sound clash and..... it WORKED!!!
.... so we're doing it again! ... with Andy herring and DJ Flowers in the mix.
... because however cool you may be most of the time, if you've had a few beers and someone puts on Livin' on a Prayer or Final Countdown or... (you get the idea)... you'll sing at the top of your voice and dance about because.... it's dad rock, you can't help yourself can you?