Auto Jumble
FREE Pitches (£10 deposit refunded on arrival)
Having previously always offered auto jumble pitches for free reservation along with the prebook, more recent events have shown a steady increase in pitch reservation but also a steady increase on no-shows for these pitches leaving large areas of empty plots ona show field where space is at a premium.
Regrettably this year we have no choice other than to introduce a £10 deposit FULLY REFUNDED ON ARRIVAL for auto jumble pitches.
Auto jumble pitches are still free as long as you turn up with your auto jumble having reserved one.
As one of the earliest events in the show calendar, our autojumble area is always well supported. Our 5m x 5m pitches are free.
Can I have an Auto Jumble Pitch?
If its old bits and pieces, a few things you picked up along the way, spares and things you cleared out of your loft, shed and garage, you're entitled to have an autojumble pitch.
If you're selling a lot of one type of thing and / or a lot of new things, basically things that you clearly bought with the intention of selling, you're a trader and you need a trade pitch.
Reserve Your Space
As demand for autojumble pitches is always high, we offer the ability to reserve yourself a priority space when you prebook your tickets.
Passes are an additional £10 FULLY REFUNDED ON ARRIVAL.
Click here to get your tickets
If we have any spare autojumble spaces left on the day, these are handed out on a first come first served basis until the jumble area is full. Rarely do we have any left unallocated on the day.
The Rules!
Prebooked auto jumble can arrive on Friday from 4.00pm or Saturday morning from 7.00am
Don't try blagging free camping by getting an autojumble pitch and a day ticket and turning up Friday, we're rather wise to that, if you want to camp you'll need a camping ticket too.
All autojumble pitches MUST be in place by 9.00am
We do this for safety, by 10.00am the showgoing public are walking around the site, there's untethered children and all sorts and we really don't want to risk anyone getting run over because someone got out of bed too late.
All autojumble pitches MUST remain in place until 4.00pm
We announce the show and shine winners around 3.30pm on show day and we'd like you to still be there because the show goers like to take another last look around for a bargain before they leave.